Step 1:
Your eyes should be 50-60 cms away from the screen. Sit as indicated in the below picture.Wrong
The best way to position yourself is keep your right hand in a straight position such that your fingers should merely touch the screen as shown in the below picture:
It is highly advisable to do the above, according to research doctors have found people do not actually use the non-working region indicated in the below picture:
Now, since you are ready for your eye-test, the most important step is the last one.
Step 2:
If you are wearing eye-glasses, please remove it before starting the eye-test.
Step 3:
Close your right-eye and fill the letters as you see during your eye-test as shown in the example given below:
Fill the letters you see in the space provided shown as above in order from top to bottom and left to right.
Now, close your left-eye and fill the letters as you see in front of you during your eye-test
You can take complete eye-test with normal-vision, color-vision and visual acuity tests
You can also opt for an individual eye-test in the beginning
NOTE: We have developed an online web-platform. It consists of a full-test which includes tests for normal-vision, color-vision and visual acuity, whereas people who would like to test only normal-vision or color-vision or visual acuity, we have provided an option to choose among them. You can perform these stages for testing your eye-sight right at your computer from your home. These tests are developed to check your nearsightedness, farsightedness, color-blindness and visual acuity. In future, we are going to include other eye health issues as well. Eye is considered as the most sensitive and important part of a human body. We care for your eyes, which is why we think that every person should do regular eye checkups from a trained professional once every quarter of a year. People face a lot of issues in finding time from their busy life-style to visit an eye-doctor regularly. Our online tests will help you to do so. We have specifically designed our web-platform for eye-patients avoiding colorful and flashy images offering its users a pleasing view of the user interface. This would help you test your eye-sight in an appropriate manner which makes us different and exceptional from others.
IMPORTANT: Please understand that these tests do not replace a professional eye exam or corrective lenses. We ensure you that your details will be kept safely with us. More better the feedback you provide us, these tests could be the one which can allow you to test from your home instead of visiting any hospitals for your eye-checkups.
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